Accountants for Start-ups

Helping you

As experienced accountants for startups we know that starting a new business can be both an exciting and slightly daunting experience.

As you step out into the unknown, you’ll be faced with a series of decisions to make around your accounting and finance, but you don’t have to make these choices alone. Our low-cost start-up service lightens the load as you plan for the future. This includes:

  • business advice and insight
  • advice on record-keeping
  • advice on taxes, such as corporation tax, PAYE and VAT
  • choosing the right accounting software
  • review of potential funding options

We also offer workshops on a range of topics to get you started on your business journey.

Additionally, all of our start-ups and growing businesses receive a copy of our New Business Kit.

Our Outsourced Accounts service can be of particular benefit to start-ups who are looking to concentrate on setting up their new business.

Getting it right first time

We’ll happily give you an hour or two of our time, free and under no obligation, to discuss the future of your business and to help you avoid some of the most common start-up pitfalls.

Expert advice and support

We know what we’re doing when it comes to business. We’ve been advising new start-ups in plain English for years, and can support you from day one.

Agreed Price

After an initial free, no-obligation meeting we’ll provide you with a fixed fee quote for the agreed services so you don’t have to worry about any extra hidden costs. Reach out to our accountants for startups team today.

Meet our Accountants for Startups Specialists

Dave Marshall

Dave Marshall

Jenna Wheeler

Jenna Wheeler

New Business Kit


All of our start-ups and growing businesses receive a copy of our New Business Kit which covers a full suite of processes and guides to help you get a strong foothold and maximise business growth.


Read more … Accounts preparation

Company formation

Read more … Company secretarial


Read more … Payroll services

Personal tax

Read more … Personal tax advisor

Business & entreneurial tax 

Tax planning

Read more … Tax planning

Outsourced accounts

Get in touch

We’re always happy to hear from new and existing clients