Our charity of the year for 2024 is Swindon’s Prospect Hospice which started off with a donation in lieu of Christmas cards in December. Each year, when supporting a new charity, we always look to get involved with any of their planned events where we can, and therefore next month we are getting running!

If you have spoken to me in last few months, its likely you will have heard that I joined a running club last September (some may say it is now all I talk about – sorry!) which involved a training plan to get running a 5K without stopping.

Therefore when the list of events came through, and there was a running one, I was happy to give myself the next challenge of a 10K (which as I type here today I still haven’t achieved yet!) I have also made sure I enlisted as many as I can here in the office to join me to make it a real team event (and another excuse for me to shout about running) and I am so pleased with all the willing volunteers. It has ended with, three of us running the 10K with another 5 of us signing up for a 5K – and some of those never having ran before this!

So, on Sunday 3rd March (less than 4 weeks time!) we will be lacing up at Coate Water with our newly ordered branded tops. What else is left to do now? Just round up some sponsorship to really make the training hours all worth it, so if you are able to give please find our fundraising page HERE

Check back here to find out who was the most competitive on the day (probably me) and what the times on the day were!