Year end tax guide 2021/22

Our year end tax guide for 2021/22 is available to download here If you would like a paper based version of this sent to you then please contact us to let us know and of course if any of the issues in this report raise any concerns with you then we’d like to hear from...

How should you structure your business?

The 285th edition of our Active Practice Updates –  How should you structure your business? is available to download here Areas covered in this edition include: Sole proprietorships General partnerships Limited liability partnerships Incorporations Umbrella companies...

Breaking News from HMRC

BREAKING NEWS: HMRC is waiving late filing and late payment penalties for Self Assessment taxpayers for one month – giving extra time, if needed, to complete your 2020/21 tax return and pay any tax due.  Further information here: HMRC gives Self Assessment taxpayers...