Is 2020 the year for an electric company car?

Just before Boris took over, the government published draft legislation proposing a change to the company car benefit-in-kind tax rates for the 2020/21 tax year and providing the much welcomed rates through to 2022/23. Initially things do appear to become a little...

Making Tax Digital for VAT – It’s here!

It’s a little scary that my last column on MTD-VAT was just over a year ago – how time flies when you are having fun?! OK, I will accept that only an accountant could put ‘fun’ and ‘VAT’ into the same sentence! But the fact is, it is here and if you are a VAT...

It’s the end of the year

With the ‘B’ word looming and a newcomer, the ‘H’ word looking set to impact on the local economy over the next few years, some might be wondering whether it is the end of the world. Times are uncertain for many business and individuals across the region and I hope...

National Minimum Wage

Some of you may have read recently that Iceland Foods appear to have been given an unwanted Christmas present from HMRC in the form of a demand to pay £21m in back pay, with potential penalties to follow, for failing to adhere to minimum wage regulations. Some might...