As it nears to the end of tax year I have given some thought to some of the ways that action taken now may assist in reducing a tax liability for the year ended 5 April 2018. Consideration should be given to ensuring that all the appropriate reliefs have been used. In...
‘How hungry are you’ was Ian’s question as we stepped outside our office onto Dyer Street. What a question! There is still a difference between hunger and what I think I should eat at the moment, so I replied ‘oh not very, anything with lettuce leaves will be perfect’...
As you may already know, Making Tax Digital has hit a number of welcome set backs over the last 12 months. That said, HMRC are pressing forward with their system development with a full-scale pilot taking place during 2018 for income tax for unincorporated businesses....
In the run up to the November budget it was widely speculated that changes would be made to inheritance tax. Whilst it has had some tinkering around the edges, for example the introduction of the residential nil rate band, which gives an additional allowance where you...
I think by now most people will have heard either of these terms, but not always in a positive way. A Bitcoin is probably the most recognisable of cryptocurrencies, but what are they? For starters, they are not something physical that you can put in your own wallet...
As an adviser I frequently read in our trade press articles about the next group of innocent people being scammed out of their hard-earned savings. But recently these cases have hit the mainstream press. The BBC website carried an article in January about a group of...